30 Dec Time Management a MUST for 2019
Hi everyone,
Is it just me or does everyone seems to be working harder than ever? Do you remember that thing called ‘spare time’? I don’t…
What I do remember, ten years ago, is having two-hour Friday lunches and one too many glasses of Villa Maria (classy) and so did anyone else who worked in an office near a pub. Those were the days!
Since 2008 (and the financial you-know-what), the workplace has become a very different place – everyone has had to pull his or her weight. And nothing has changed since.
If anything, we seem to be working even harder now.
What that means for many of us is that that the value of time is higher than ever.
No more ‘extended lunches’. We need to be ruthless with the working calendar.
It’s not easy – there are so many events, conferences, and awards to go to in our industry. You could easily attend something every week (and some die-hard networkers do).
But how many of those events are really worth the time out of the office. Do you set objectives for yourself or your team members?
Prepare to Skill Up
I know that time is precious – which is why this year’s theme for Women in Wholesale is ‘Skilling Up’.
You (or your team members) will not leave our April Speed Mentoring event or our October Conference without having a basic grounding in time management and resilience (two new topics for 2019) together with influence and negotiation skills, to name a few.
We are bringing together the industry’s top talent to deliver it to you.
Some of the questions we were asked more than anything else in 2018 were ‘How do I attract and keep great people, how can I become a great manager and how do I make my business a career destination.’
In 2019, we will show you how.
We look forward to a heart-poundingly exciting 2019 with you. Happy New Year!
Elit Rowland
WiW Founder and Organiser elitrowland@newerapr.co.uk
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